Large Format Scanning
Our large format scanning service is ideal for Architects, Surveyors, Construction Consultants, Large Format Artists and Designers.
When combined with our Black Box FileCenter software and Citrix ShareFile service, large format documents can be scanned, OCR'd (made text searchable) and converted into full content searchable PDF's. The Black Box FileCenter software will then index the files making them accessible via desktop as well as the cloud, making it easier for users to search for and access files on the move.
Why Choose Our Large Format Scanning?
Access Onsite
With our large format scanning, there is no longer a need to be walking around site with oversized documents blowing in the wind. Instead, you can access your documents via the cloud and read off of a phone or tablet.
Free Cloud Storage
Black Box offer our secure temporary cloud hosting service, free of charge, to clients who use our large format scanning services.
Manage Files
Black Box can convert your records to a text searchable standard Adobe PDF format, help you build and index a centralised repository to help you track records, control loss and add scanned documents to your existing electronic document folder structures.